Memorial Roll Information

The Memorial Roll commemorates to date 1,182 RAAF 1 W.A.G.S. trainees who were killed in action or on active service during WW2. These brave young men made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country, leaving behind grief-stricken families often not knowing what happened to their loved ones. As Wireless Operators, Air Gunners and Navigators they were crew for RAF and RAAF squadrons and served in all Theatres of War during WW2 - the U.K, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, the Pacific and Australia. Those who perished died as a result of air battles, aircraft accidents or as P.O.W’s. and many rest isolated from their homeland.

The following are the names of brothers who trained at 1 W.A.G.S. and made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Sgt Ronald McGregor Herman 407030 and Sgt James Alexander Herman 407713, F/Sgt Brian Leo Sheean 409855 and F/Sgt Lorin James Sheean 410014, Sgt George Frederick Bolton 401412 and Cpl Robert Burns Bolton 10173

Brothers who survived WW2 and were discharged were - Donald Houssemayne Du Boulay BEM 427452 and his brother James Lawrence Houssemayne Du Boulay 406207 

This site is our way of paying homage to these 1 W.A.G.S airmen and their families.

Memorial Roll
Grieving Mother Arch of Victory Ballarat [information] Photo Roland Weatherall
Grieving Mother Arch of Victory Ballarat Photo Roland Weatherall
Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial Ballarat Photo Ex-Prisoner of War website
Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial Ballarat Photo j burrell
No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Plaque
No 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Plaque in full
Distinguished Flying Cross
Distinguished Flying Medal
George Medal


 It is anticipated that the number on the Memorial Roll will increase as more information becomes available.

 Each serviceman has an individual profile page giving personal and service history, death information, NAA status and photos if available.

This information has been primarily sourced from the following sites/sources –

NAA - Digital copy - Service records, Enlistment photo, Medals, I W.A.G.S date and Course.

Veteran Affairs- Nominal Roll - Birth & Enlistment details, K.I.A or Discharged, Rank, Next of Kin, Last Posting, Honours & Citations, POW.

RSL Virtual Memorial – Biography, Photos, Cause of Death, Date & Location

CWGC - Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Death Date, Age, Cemetery, Memorial.

AWM - Australian War Memorial – Photos, ITS [Initial Training School], Last Post, Service History, Squadron.

1 WAGS POR’s – Personnel Occurrence Reports Volumes 1-9 - Name, Service No, Course No, Intake / Outtake Date, Posted to.

Bomber Command Losses Volumes 1-9 by W.R. Chorley – RAAF Casualties.

Ex- Prisoner of War Memorial - P.O.W. Status

Other sites used in the Notes section provide – Type of aircraft, Squadron, Operation details, Cemetery / Memorial, biography, photos etc. These sites are recognised and acknowledged as links on the profile pages or on the LINKS page.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information on the Memorial Roll is true and correct by using where possible original records. Sites as listed above have also ensured their information is authentic. It should be noted that some profile pages of airmen contain limited information due to unavailability at this stage.

The 1 W.A.G.S. Memorial website is a work in progress and by no means complete. (Any errors please contact the Website Co-ordinator on the CONTACT US page)






National Archives of Australia - 1 WAGS BallaratUBC Web Design - 1 WAGS BallaratCity of Ballarat - 1 WAGS BallaratAPCO Alfredton - 1 WAGS BallaratDepartment of Veterans Affairs - 1 WAGS BallaratAustralian War Memorial - 1 WAGS BallaratRSL Virtual War Memorial - 1 WAGS Ballarat